Growing your best crop begins by building a foundation with Radiate, then maintaining the momentum with Radiate Next.
The power of Radiate now extends well beyond early vegetative growth stages. Roots are a crop’s foundation, and the power to give roots what they need starts with Radiate—specifically designed to help develop longer, stronger, healthier roots that improve nutrient uptake and early plant performance.
But the power of Radiate now continues well beyond the in-furrow and early emergent stage. Introducing Radiate Next, a new foliar-applied plant growth hormone solution that drives root growth and development while increasing photosynthetic rate to improve energy production and realize higher yields.
Start your season with Radiate to drive healthy root growth in the very early stages, then apply Radiate Next to maximize crop performance from the ground up.

Crop performance that’s rooted in science.
While the powerful early root growth technology of Radiate increases your plants’ ability to utilize more essential nutrients and water in your fields, a later foliar application of Radiate Next continues root enhancement while also accelerating photosynthesis for more plant energy.

Enhances early season vigor
Drives maximum root growth
Reduces environmental stress
Maximizes yield potential
Supports increased profits

Creates larger root systems
Increases water use efficiency
Improves photosynthetic efficiency
Accelerates photosynthetic rates
Increases energy production

If it has roots, it needs Radiate.
Driven by a unique balance of IBA and Kinetin, Radiate consistently supports maximum root growth and plant performance for all crops, and can be applied in-furrow or as an early foliar application. Select a crop icon to the right to view specific crop bulletins related to Radiate.

If it has shoots, it needs Radiate Next.
Like Radiate, Radiate Next includes an optimized combination of IBA & Kinetin, but is also combined with GABA & Choline Chloride, for improved water and carbon dioxide mobility in the later growth stages, which aggressively fuels photosynthesis. Select a crop icon to the right to view specific crop bulletins related to Radiate Next.

How does Radiate Next work?
Having more roots leads to greater access to nutrients and water. It also creates more water channels which drive water and CO2 more efficiently into cells – this increases the rate of photosynthesis providing energy for the plant. More energy promotes healthy growth and stronger crops!
What do growers love about Radiate and Radiate Next?
Find out what thousands of growers already know – Radiate is one of the best ways to grow strong healthy roots for almost any type of crop. With the introduction of Radiate Next, more and more growers are realizing that hormonal success doesn’t stop at early emergence.
“What growers like most about Radiate is that it offsets the stresses caused by weather, and it promotes a vigorous response after various applications.”
—Robbie Scarborough, Jr., Nutrien Crop Consultant (Boyce, LA)
“Great crops always start with a healthy and robust root system. Radiate is consistent, too. You don’t cross your fingers and just hope it happens.”
—Jared Meier, Nutrien Crop Consultant (Waterville, KS)
See results from real grower trials.
The proven technology of Radiate and Radiate Next works with all crops and is compatible with a wide range of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar nutrition products. Select a crop icon below to view specific crop trial results.